Light a candle!
911 2001
My thoughts.

The cowards that attacked America
are burning in

Since the Terror War started,
I have watched unbelieving that humans can cause
such devastating pain
on their fellow humans.
I saw allot of terrible things during my tour
in Viet Nam (1966-1967). I saw how badly our own government treated our
troops when they came back. Allot of them with mental and drug problems.
We were thrown away because those in power at the time did not want to admit
they were wrong. I had problems that plagued me for over 10 years after I
came back. I love my country. Sometimes it is governed by idiots.
But because we live in free society, we have the power to change.
President Bush
is the only President to stand up for Americans.
He has the guts to tell it
like it is. With statements like: :
"make no distinction between the terrorists
who committed these acts and those who harbor them." and "These demands are not
open to negotiation or discussion",
he has separated himself from the
boneheads before him. I cry every day for the people who lost their lives and
the people who lost them. I had no live heroes before the attack.
My heroes before were my father and John Wayne both of which have passed on.
My brother-in-law is a retired fireman. He saved my life one morning.
Now I have many heroes. Fireman and Policeman.
kcuts m'I
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